Children in need

Uruguay has a growing community of people living under the poverty line. With children being the main focus of the Foundation, grants will be
made available to families in need, where it has been identified by Social Workers employed by the Foundation. An assessment will be done on
application and areas of need will be identified. Using a Task Centered approach, the family will be given short term reviews of how to identify
strategies to help the family budget. Grants will be for the children’s needs such as clothing or applying for the annual shoe allowance
dedicated to the children in need in the country. 2000 children have been identified as needing this assistance.
In the northern regions children often go without shoes. To support children needing footwear, a project issuing shoes twice annually needs to
be established. Distribution in the region would be overseen by Mercado Libre whose presence is well established in the communities
already. It is anticipated that approximately 15,000 children will be cared for.
All clothing and shoes will be sourced locally, ensuring employment within designated local communities.

Project Manager: Capt. Carlos Alberto Racca Lago