Eolic Energy

Energy is a key factor to economic and social development. Clean energy sources, such as wind energy, are an important alternative to the
combustion of fossil fuels as they reduce the effects of climate and avoid the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG).
Both the UNDP and United Nations in the Common Country Analysis (CCA) stress the importance of reducing GHG emissions. This project
contributes to the components of the Country Program of UNDP (CP):
With no fossil fuel reserves, the supply of primary energy in Uruguay depends on imported oil and hydro-electricity.
Uruguay is aware of the impact climate change has on the world and recognizes the potential renewable energies have. Unfortunately, only
isolated action has been taken toward an effective and sustainable source of renewable energy in Uruguay.
Biomass and wind energy are primary energy sources that have the greatest technical potential within Uruguay. Of these, wind energy has the
greatest technical and commercial potential. The country has significant wind resources which can be commercially exploited according to
international practices. It has the potential to export electricity generated via this source to neighboring countries. Aero generators can also play
an important role in extending the electrical service to rural areas. Modern wind systems could supply enough energy to meet the needs in
areas which cannot be supplied by the electrical grid.

Project Manager: Eng. Marcelo Sperman