
“Every Child Matters” can be used to ensure that children in care achieve the five basic rights to every child. To be healthy, safe, educated, be
part of a community and achieve economic well-being. It is with this in mind that the project of establishing homes with foster parents for
children in care was established, helping to prevent institutionalization. Most children come into care because of neglect, abuse or drug misuse.
This program has been used in the UK for many years successfully, resulting in a feeling of belonging and of self-worth for the children in care.
The structure is to provide the needs to ensure that “Every Child Matters” meets with the child in cares daily and long term needs. Foster parents
will ensure the young people grow into confident young adults able to contribute positively to society.
We will develop homes able to place a foster parent together with six children. These homes will be established within communities so that
children integrate into local areas and attend school. They will also receive all their health requirements and any other support required for
them to achieve stability within the community setting.
This project will be managed by a team of Social Workers who will ensure that all regulatory requirements are met and that supervision and
support is in place for all foster parents. Family contact will be maintained wherever possible so that the children retain their identity and where
possible can be return to their family unit once it is safe to do so.
This project will be run within the Government framework and be regulated by Local Authorities.

Project Manager: Mr. James Hardaker / Miss Delfina Taborda