20 Years Ahead


Uruguay is the most financially and politically stable country of South America and our Foundation is registered there. It has the legal security
necessary to operate using the guidelines set out by the Department of Education. The Headquarters of the Foundation in Montevideo, assures
an operation without interferences in the international movement of funds by the government and personal security for the Directors of the
Board and the European benefactors who visit the Foundation.
In order to make our Foundation self sustaining and viable over the next 20 years we need to put in place several projects that will sustain
themselves and generate income for charitable projects that are vital to the communities as a whole.
For the above to succeed we have prepared commercial projects that are able to generate an income annually without further finance, apart
from the initial outlay.
All the proposed commercial projects will be constructed and managed by Uruguayan people thus ensuring that employment opportunities are
generated within the local areas of development.
All projects have been ecologically designed to take the environmental impact into consideration. They will be built and managed according to
the Kyoto Protocol.

Headquarters Uruguay

The construction of a main office will be used for administration and training of both the charitable and commercial projects

Self-sustainable Projects