Karen Diedre Hardaker
President Worldwide
DFMF Founder
Foundation named after her mother who was active in the emancipation of rural women in Southern Africa.
Anglia Ruskin University BA Honours Social Work. Has also got a degree in Nursing and ten years’ experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry, including medical research.
Currently involved in Young Offender Services, Fostering, Independent Monitoring Board and qualified as social worker specialising in children.
Also experienced in International, NGO and Governmental finance packages. Strongbusiness links in Middle East, Africa and Europe. Director of UK company.

Enrique Jose María Castillo
Vice-president Worldwide
DFMF Founder
Specialist in major project development and management. International Sales for FordMotor Co, based in various international locations.
Fire-fighting in Kuwait with the Air Force.
Gearing finance for municipalities.
Charitable work from the 70’s including Foundation team’s developer and initializer.

Nor A Anwin
Vice-President for Asia
A Malaysian, with experience in banking, insurance and the corporate sectors.
Has been extensively involved in community projects towards attainment of sustainability especially amongst single mothers. She has also delivered numerous speeches globally on business women’s networking and gender issues on trade and investment opportunities.
She holds a Bachelor of Economics degree and an MBA from USA.

James Hardaker
Director Worldwide
DFMF Founder
Experience in Youth Work and young people with challenging behavior and/or substance misuse.

Santiago Castillo
Director Worldwide
DFMF Founder
Specialized in Electronic Security. Experienced in Neighborhood Security. Owner of Casamatix Co.
English/Spanish translator for the Direction board. Organizations Management.
Youngest member of the board.

Hugo Mardon
Accountant (Córdoba – Argentina – UNC – 1978).
Ph. D: Sociology in economic science ( IMC – Firenze – Italy – 1980).
Professor in Finance and costs – External commerce – UCES.
Vice-presidence advisor in the National Hypothercary Bank.
Administrative advisor in the Informatic and telecomunications department of AFIP.
Administrative coordinator General direction of Privately managed education – CABA.
Administrative Director – BIRF credits – PRODyMES – Education and Culture Ministry of Argentina.
Consultant – Auditor – Trustee

Raul Enrique Alonso
Project Manager
Expertize in Agricultural and cattle administration.
Company Owner and Director of an aluminum foundry for the last 25 years.
Active Charity worker and Volunteer.

Griselda Perretz Rosales
Project Manager
Native of Argentina, she has lived in Olympia WA. USA for the last 35 years.
She has also lived in France and Brazil.
Griselda holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Cordoba, Argentina.
She also has post-doctoral training in Family Therapy, systems theory, strategic problem solving therapy and Cognitive behavioural therapy.
Dr. Griselda Perretz Rosales has over 20 years in practice as a Family Therapist, working with a wide range of families parenting adolescents, including children with special needs or chronic illnesses, adoptive families, bicultural and immigrant families.
She provides assessment and treatment recommendations for families, privately, and through The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services contracts.
Griselda is one of the founders of CIELO Project in Olympia Wa. USA and served as its Executive Director until 2004.

Michael Arnold
Presidential Advisor
London based.
Many years experience in international import and export industry.
International finance expertise.

Juan Torregrosa
Brazil Manager
Born in Spain.
Educated in finance and accounting.
During his career, he has been permanently in touch with Government Bonds, SBLC,Gems and Gemstones.
He joined the Foundation to assisnt in matters such as trading and big bonds.
Private bank investments.

Aldo Sandoval
Project Manager
Construction Engineer.
Teacher of Metallic and Wood Structures, reinforced concrete structures, static and resistant materials.
Thirty five years experience building houses. Construction of 150 Schools from scratch.

Martín Cardona
Project Manager
Agricultural Engineer.
Experience in agricultural production, in human resources managemente, and formation of agricultural companies from scratch in Uruguay and Argentina.
Management of over 20.000 hectares.
Forestal assesor in Córdoba abd oartner of Vivero Forestal.
Engineer Cardona developed “20 years ahead” (Click here to read this project), which is a series of sustainable and varied commercial projects whose profits are meant to sustain The Foundation in the long term of 20 years.

Carlos Ginevro
Project Manager
Construction Engineer. Built hundreds of kilometers of routes and free ways in Argentina and Bolivia.
Also designed and made the direction of eleven bridges and two water conduction tunnels.
Also worked as Equipment Manager on the third stage of construction of Las Maderas Dam, Jujuy Argentine.

Guillermo Racca Lagos
Project Manager
Captain Overseas. Several Ships. Merchanting Marine.
Executive Director. Medical Specialities Clinic.
Manager Branch Office. Security Corporation. Manager. Department of Marketing. Medicines Laboratory.

Ruben Oscar Terragni
Project Manager
Metallurgical Engineer.
Specialist in the design and construction of self propelled, static and trailed machines for agricultural, mining, road, mining, forestry and transport use.

Carlos Diaz
Project Manager
Industrial Mechanic
Industrial Engineer
Studied in U.T.U Specialised in Turnery. Prevention of working risks. Handling and manupulation of heavy machinery such as tractors, tow trucks, etc. Human resources management in manteinance and electromechanic tasks.
Uruguay Citizen.

Rodrigo Lorenzo
Project Manager
With many years of experience in the care of Drums, Mr. Lorenzo went through all the tasks that are performed on a diary farm, from milking to handling a Model Drum for its technology.
He has knowledge in countryside tasks in general and in the areas of animal production.
He is currently in charge of the administrative and reporting area of the Equilab Laboratory.

Luis Eduardo Vilalta
Project Manager
Electrical and Mechanical Engineer – National University of Córdoba -UNC- Argentina.
Mechanical Engineer – University of São Paulo – USP – Brazil.
Design, development and production of thermal machinery in general, including electric energy generators, compressors, two and four stroke engines, light vehicles, refrigeration installation and electronic management for natural gas combustion vehicles.
Consultancy to foreign companies for opening of branches – drafting social contract, import, export and distribution requirements and general administration. Technical responsability. Purchase of facilities abroad including supplier evaluation. Technology transfer. After market technical assistance for imported products.

Alvaro Alfonso
Project Manager
Native of Uruguay. Currently, in charge of advising the presidence of OSE, the national Corporation that supplies drinkable water to 50% of Uruguay.
His expertise is due to his 10 year experience as a Major of ‘Aguas Corrientes’, the town in wich a 50% of the water of Montevideo is treated for consumption
Press man and writer. He has published over 16 books. He has been Awarded the ‘Jose Ernqiue Rodo’ Prize, for his book ‘Secretos del PCU’, a history investigation book. He also gives advise to senators and deputees.
He developed and leads the foundation’s project ‘Water for Montevideo’ in the 20 years ahead section of projects.